NORTH Wrestling

Brand design, social content, video editing / motion graphics, web design, storytelling, event mgmt/

Collaborators - Alec Hugill (Illustration + logo design), Alex Ayre (videographer), Mike Mess (photography)

NORTH Wrestling is a Pro Wrestling events company based in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and has been operating since 2016. It’s a company I started by myself, and have grown into a globally recognised Independent promotion, regularly selling out 300 capacity shows at Anarchy Brew Co.

But, post-pandemic, we weren’t as sure of our success, with trepidation to return to live events, and the cost living crisis taking a grip on live audiences.

However, by refreshing the Brand Identity and planning + implementing a successful social media campaign, NORTH Wrestling broke out of 2021 with more success than ever before. 2023 sees continued growth in their industry, as well as their first 1000 capacity show in Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

  • Brand Identity

  • Social Media campaign planning

  • Social Media engagement + analysis

  • Graphic design (all promotional materials)

  • Project management and liaising with other freelancers inc. videographers, illustrators, social media managers

  • Event management

  • Web design

  • Story writing and development


  • Increased live attendances - selling out all 8 shows over an 18 month period

  • Increase merchandise sales by 145%

  • Growing online fanbase across all social media channels to a combined following of over 10k

  • Secured partnership with global streaming service FITE TV

  • Created partnerships with global promotions - Impact Wrestling (USA) + wXw (Germany)

  • Securing sponsorship deals with BLCKSMTH Apparel + Coop Chicken

  • Building a strong brand identity



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