Barnes Thompson Developments

Branding + social content

Collaborators - Katie Raven (Web design + build)

  • Brand Identity + Logo Design

  • Photography

  • Social Media content


  • Increased profile vists by 250%

  • Enhanced Professionalism + Credibility

  • Differentiation from competitors

  • Clear + consistent communication

  • Increased follower count by 135%

  • Increased post reach by 1k%


We helped Barnes Thompson Developments transform their tired and complicated branding into a cohesive and impactful identity that could be utilised across their digital platforms, workwear, and livery. Their initial goals were to communicate their offerings clearly, concisely, and stand out in a crowded marketplace.

To address the client’s needs, we embarked on a comprehensive brand refresh project. We started by conducting a thorough analysis of their existing branding elements and market positioning. With a clear understanding of their target audience and competitive landscape, we developed a new brand strategy that focused on simplicity, clarity, and differentiation.

The project involved various deliverables, including a revamped logo design that embodied the company’s values and services. We created a visually appealing and versatile logo that could be easily applied across different mediums, maintaining its impact and recognition. Additionally, we designed a brand style guide that outlined the appropriate use of colours, typography, and visual elements to ensure consistency across all touchpoints.

To enhance the brand’s online presence, we developed a modern and user-friendly website that showcased Barnes Thompson Developments’ projects, expertise, and unique value proposition. The website was optimised for search engines and provided an intuitive user experience, enabling visitors to easily navigate and access relevant information.

Furthermore, we extended the brand refresh to their physical workwear and livery, incorporating the new visual identity into their uniforms, vehicles, and signage. This cohesive approach ensured that Barnes Thompson Developments’ branding was consistent and recognisable both online and offline.

Overall, our brand refresh efforts for Barnes Thompson Developments successfully revitalised their brand image, simplifying their messaging and positioning them as a standout player in their industry. The updated brand identity, applied across various platforms, enabled them to effectively communicate their offerings, resonate with their target audience, and differentiate themselves from competitors.

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